Monday, June 17, 2019

Market Net as a New Approach to Providing Marketing Students with a Pl Essay

Market Net as a New Approach to Providing Marketing Students with a Place to Find all the Marketing Knowledge - Essay ExampleThe report, in short, has provided for a clear set of ideas and options for Market Net to improve and increase the traffic to its website. MarketNet is a comparatively new initiative to create a network of students and professionals related to the field of tradeing and also to provide valuable resources and articles on marketing. This report analyses the target sense of hearing both in terms of demographics and psychographics, based on the users of the social network application, Facebook. Then the sundry(a) strategies to drive traffic to MarketNet are discussed. As the budget is limited, the non-homogeneous cost-effective options and the best way to implement them are also presented. In order to add various articles and content to the site, the marketing resource websites are researched and the four-spot websites that have been found to be potentially us eful to MarketNet are listed along with the rationale behind the selection. Finally, a survey development process was undertaken to include inwardly MarketNet, in order to monitor the performance of the website and a rationale for this is also presented.Marketing is a technique which requires being planned well to ensure that it reaches come to the fore to the right set of people, i.e., the target market (Dibb & Simkin, 1996). The target market is generally a set or group of people who have one or more common interests. In this case, the target audiences have one thing in common Marketing. The first most essential criteria for the target market are that they are Facebook users (Holzner, 2008). After which,Market Net has a chance to reach out to a number of different groups of people.Prospective marketing students, this group will prove to be a beneficial for Market Net, as Facebook is now becoming a very important source of education for students of various courses. This group w ill consist of people between the age groups of 17 22. Market Net can prove to be a source of information for this group of people. Also, this will provide the students with a chance of getting in touch with other students, professionals, and even gain information to various articles that are on tap(predicate) on the web to gain a better understanding if this is the correct choice for them.

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